Monthly concerts on Sundays, weekly singers nights on Tuesdays, monthly instrumental sessions on Mondays.
Singers Nights!
Topsham Folk Club holds singers’ nights every Tuesday. These are nearly always at the Globe Inn on Fore Street in rooms adjacent to the main restaurant. You access the rooms we use from the street a few yards down from the main entrance to the pub. Come along for a drink and a song. We usually warm up with some tunes from ‘the Orchestra’ from around 7:30pm. The singers then get underway from 7:45pm. Book a slot with the compere by 7:45pm if you’d like to perform or just come along to listen. We do our best to give everyone a chance to take part. People normally do two songs or tunes in a 10 minute spot. Non-performers are always most welcome. NB – we don’t meet in August.
Tunes sessions
On the first Monday of each month, there is a tune session for instrumentalists. This is held at the Bridge Inn, Topsham from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. All welcome to come along and join in.